Professional Courses

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For the Public

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Courses to help resource you to a better way of thinking! From Anxiety to Procrastination, we've got you covered!

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  • Education

    Understanding is the key for transformation. Whether you're looking to learn as a therapist or to change from a problem then our courses will give you the education you need to fulfil your goals!

  • Empowerment

    We aim to give you the skills necessary to take charge of your life and believe in yourself. You have a right to claim your rights and have power over your life instead of your life having power over you.

  • Wellbeing

    Wellbeing is about being comfortable, happy, healthy and balanced. Too many people walk around not 'being well'. The courses we have are designed to help you balance, be well and go for joy in your life and mind.

Paul Gibson

Therapist and Trainer

Paul Gibson

Paul studies relentlessly to keep his knowledge and skills up to date and this is reflected in his therapy and training. From a local course on nutrition to an International World Congress on Complex Trauma. By blending hypnosis with psychotherapy, EMDR, IFS and many others you can be sure his sessions and trainings are educational, relevant and tailored for your needs. Paul is passionate about helping and will listen intently to how he can help you achieve your goals, for personal or professional achievements.